Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Magnification Apps on the iPad- Magnificent Free

In this video I demonstrate a magnifying app on the iPad. The app is called Magnificent Free and it is free to download.

Magnifying apps work with the devices camera and make things larger.

The video is just over 6 minutes and includes a full set of subtitles.

In this video you will learn;
1. How to download the app.
2. What it looks like and how it works
3. It's strengths and weaknesses...

a full transcript of the video can be read below

Start of video transcript

Hello everyone and welcome to this video. In this video series I will be demonstrating free magnification apps on the iPad. This is my third video in the series. Technically videoing On iPad is quite a complicated thing to do and so if there are a few awkward silences please bear with me. Another important piece of technical information for you is that this app was tested and an iPad Air to running iOS version 8.3. Magnification apps on mainly targeted at people who are visually impaired. They make use of the iPads camera in order to make things that you are looking at with the camera larger. In this video series I will be testing 9 free magnification apps. I will take you through the download process in the App Store demonstrate the functions and features and look at a piece of text to analyse the quality of the app. I will use the terms magnification and zoom interchangeably on this video. The app will be focused on a piece of text from a newspaper to help us decide how good it is. So let's open the App Store and the app that we want to go to today is called magnificent shall I spell it free. And there it is there. How are you can quickly download it by pressing the plus get button. My button that says open because I've downloaded it already. There are no reviews of this app on the App Store. So let us go to the app and open it. See you can see that I've just opened that and it had an error and shut itself down. Let's try it again that's a really annoying feature The whole screen has just been taken over by an ad. As soon as we open this app up we see that it has got a slightly, different apart approach because it offers us a split screen in view the top half of the screen is what the camera is saying and the bottom half of the screen has a magnification lens in it. Right at the bottom of the screen is the annoying at which is running again it's about 10% of the screen. To change the levels of magnification, you can either double tap the top of the screen and it cycles you to larger and larger magnification or you can just pinch to zoom on the lens itself like so. This is a different approach to having bark to move up and down. You can switch between the split screen and the full screen mode is by swiping on the screen and so it's in portrait mode at the moment and so if I swipe up it goes to fullscreen and if I swipe it again it goes to split screen I swiped that down. So there we go it works in landscape mode as well it may not work on the video actually. It doesn't look as it wants to work in landscape mode oh, there we go. There is a piece of text and so I have still got it in landscape mode but the video is still showing it in portrait mode unfortunately. Now apart from that one glitch at the beginning where the app failed to start normally the app works perfectly fine for me. So that is the magnificent free thank you for watching the video if you have any comments or you want to join in with the discussion then please do so below the video.

End of video transcript

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