Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Choose It Maker 3- Make New Activity Guide

On this page, you will find a video in which I demonstrate the menu items that are available when you create a new activity in Choose It Maker 3.

Below the video, you will find a full transcript of the video.

Start of Transcript

Hello and welcome to this video.
In this video I am going to show you how to create a new activity via your Choose It Maker 3 account.
Specifically, I am going to be highlighting the tools and menu options that are available to make these activities.
Just so you know, for this video I am using a laptop running Windows 8.1 and the Google Chrome browser.
So, let's crack on then.
Select make new activity from the middle of the screen at the bottom.
Add a name and a description of activity.
Then choose which folder to place it in or create a new folder for it. Then press OK.
We are now at the stage where we can start to create the activity.
Important! To save time, I think that it is always best to have a rough plan of what the activity looks like by drawing it out on paper first.
Select new page.
This page is much the same as a PowerPoint slide.
Let's take a closer look at all the tools we have.
The first menu is called page layout and it has options to; add box, remove box, duplicate box, box color, box outline, background colour, select all, undo and delete.
The second menu is called Pictures and it has options to; get pictures from the media library, or from the computer, the Internet or webcam. You can also remove the picture, select all, undo and delete.
The next menu is the text menu. On here our options are; add text, remove text, grow text, shrink text, colour, swap, select all, undo, delete.
Our fourth menu is sound prompts. Here our options are; computer, microphone, remove sound, select all, undo and delete.
The edit menu allows us to; flip side, flip up, paint our own picture, select all, undo and delete.
Finish is the final menu item. This menu enables us to; close the page, preview the page, add reward sound, remove reward sound, select all, finished page.
And there you do. That finishes my look at the tools and menu options that are available when you want to create a new activity on Choose It Maker 3. 

End of transcript

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