Monday, 20 April 2015

Full Transcript to Spreeder Video on YouTube

Please find below a full transcript for a video I have recorded on our YouTube channel.

"Hello, everyone and welcome to this video.

In this video I want to demonstrate Spreeder that is a website and an app for your tablet and phone that allows a user to read text faster.
What do I mean by this? For the majority of time that we sit in front of a screen, we access text in large chunks such as looking at a Word document or reading a webpage.
The premise of Spreeder and websites and apps like it are that it takes the average person far longer to read an article or blog post presented as a whole page of text, rather than the same article  displayed on screen in bite size chunks.
By copying and pasting these articles, documents or blog posts into Spreeder, they are then split up into chunks, which are much smaller sections of text. These chunks are then displayed on screen in turn until the article, document or blog post is finished. 
Enough of the abstract description- let's see this app in action.
What I am doing is copying and pasting the transcript of this video into Spreeder so that you can see it in action. The chunk size in the following demonstration is 1- there will be 1 word on the screen at a time. 
Impressive stuff, huh?
Now, let us customise what you have just seen so that we can see just how flexible this app is. I am going to do this with the same text- the transcription from this video. 
At the bottom of the window is a settings menu and so let's click on it.
There are 7 sorts of customisation that can be made.
1. Chunk Size- How many words do you want to appear on the screen at a time? It can range from 1-10.
2. Words per minute. You can decide how quickly your words appear on the screen.
3. Window Size. This is the size of the "screen" that you words appear on.
4. Font Size. From small to large but it depends on the size of the window that you have selected in the option above!
5. Font Colour. What colour do you want your words to be?
6. Background Colour. What background do you want?
7. Alignment. What position in the window do you want your words to be; left, centred, right?
Also note at the bottom of the screen that there are handy keyboard shortcuts that can be used. 
n- new
p- play/ pause
r- restart
+/- increase/ decrease speed
Right/ Left Arrow
s- settings
So how does this help a person with a visual impairment?
By limiting the amount of text on screen at any one time.
Customising the size of text 
Customising font colour and background.
Using the shortcut keys to move through text at an individual rate"

The video can be watched and listened to at

Thanks for watching. 

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