In this video I show you the settings menu for ChromeVox.
By watching this video, you will learn;
How to change the language
How to change the Braille Settings
How to personalise most of the keyboard shortcuts so that you can get ChromeVox working better for you.
I welcome any questions or comments that you have about ChromeVox!
A full transcript of the video can be read below
Start of video transcript
Hello and welcome to this video.
Chromevox is a free screen reader that can be used in Google Chrome or when using a Chromebook or a Chromebox.
In this video I will take you through some of the changes that you can make to ChromeVox.
Firstly, make sure that ChromeVox is on. Press Control + Alt + Z.
To open up the settings page, press Shift + Search + O, then O.
I will just take you one by through the different options with a brief description where necessary.
To navigate to the next option press TAB. To go to the previous option, press Shift + TAB.
To select or unselect an item, press the Spacebar.
You can
enable verbose descriptions.
place the cursor between characters when editing text
use the mouse to change the focus
and enhance specific sites.
change the current voice. Here there are dozens of options in many different languages.
A braille display can be connected to your device and Chromevox will show you the text that is on the braille display.
You can change the format of braille between 6 dot and 8 dot and then also change the language.
Keyboard Shortcuts.
The first option here is the layout of the keyboard. In the drop down box you can select between classic keymap, flat keymap and experimental keymap. A keymap is a set of keyboard shortcuts, but I am not sure how these keymaps are any different from each other.
Underneath the keymaps options is a list of keyboard shortcuts that control ChromeVox that you can change. This enables you to personalise the shortcuts. I would imagine that this would be a very handy feature to change if you are used to using another screen reader such as Jaws or NVDA in order to make the shortcuts the same.
In order to keep this video brief, I will just look at the different sections of keyboard shortcuts that you can change.
The first section is Modifier Keys. These are the keys that perform the fundamentals with ChromeVox. For instance the standard modifier key for ChromeVox is Shift + Search but you can change it.
There are several shortcuts that you can change in order to control the speech including increasing it's rate or decreasing its pitch.
There are numerous navigation shortcuts that you can modify for the navigation commands for ChromeVox, such as moving through text. You can set the shortcut to get ChromeVox to read the next word or the previous sentence. Or to go to the top of the page or to the bottom.
In terms of information commands you can define the shortcut that will announce the URL of the current page or to speak the current date and time.
There are shortcuts for displaying lists of headings, links and tables.
Jump commands take you to a specific location on the page- such as to the next button or the previous graphic or the previous form.
And finally are the keyboard shortcuts that you can set so that ChromeVox can read tables such as going to beginning of the table or to the beginning of the current column.
And that's it. Thanks for watching.
In the comments section below please tell me your experience of using ChromeVox. What is your favourite command? Or do you have any unanswered questions about it. Please let me know.
End of video transcript
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