Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Windows 10: Change the Size of Your Desktop Icons (Quickly)

This video shows how quick and easy it is to change the size of your desktop icons on a computer running Windows 10.

It is two minutes long and it includes a full set of subtitles.

In the video the following questions will be answered;

1. How can I make changes in about 30 seconds straight from the desktop?
2. What size icons can I choose between?
3. How can I make the changes using my mouse?
4. How can I make the changes using my keyboard?

A full transcript of the video can be read below.

Start of video transcript

Hello everyone and welcome to this video

 in this video I am going to show you how to Change the size of your desktop icons on your Windows 10 laptop or PC.

 with your mouse right click anywhere on a part of your desktop is empty.  a menu appears.  now click on view and you can see that another menu appears and from this menu select between large medium and small icons. 

As you select between large medium or small icons the size of the icons changes immediately.

 And there you go.  A really simple way to change the size of your desktop icons in 20 seconds or less.

If you want to use a few keyboard shortcuts then try this. Press the Windows keys + D to get onto the desktop.

Now press the Shift key with F10 in order to get the display menu up.

Press v (for view) and then either r (large icons), m (medium icons) or n (small icons).

 Thank you for watching this video if you have any comments please leave them in the comment section below the video.

End of video transcript.

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