In this video I demonstrate the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to navigate around your news feed in Facebook.
The shortcuts are;
Pressing the j key takes you backwards through each story one by one.
Pressing the k key takes you forward through each story one by one.
Pressing the enter key on a selected story will expand it.
Pressing the c key will enable you to comment on a story.
Pressing the l key will enable you to like a story. Pressing l again allows you to “unlike” it.
Pressing the s key will enable you to share the story.
Pressing the o key will enable you to open any attachments that are in the story.
Pressing the q key will enable you to search your chat contacts.
Pressing the forward slash (/) will enable you to search.
Pressing the p key will enable you to create a new post or story.
The video has a full set of subtitles with it. If you want to read a full transcript instead, please find it below.
Start of Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to this video.
In this video I am going to quickly show you how to access the different elements of your news feed on your Facebook page using keyboard shortcuts and the screen reader NVDA.
The newsfeed is where your friends’ updates are.
I will presume that you have NVDA running and you are logged into Facebook.
The first thing for us to do is to make sure that NVDA is in the correct mode. NVDA has a browse mode and a focus mode.
To switch between the two modes we press our NVDA key (and mine is the Insert Key) and the spacebar.
Each mode has its own noise. And you need to hear this noise that I can only describe as the sound effect of a keyboard key being pressed
NVDA is in the right mode to use the built in keyboard shortcuts when you hear this sound.
Remember, these keyboard shortcuts work even if you are not using a screen reader.
Some of these shortcuts you will use a lot more than others.
Press the Shift, Alt and 1 key together in order to show your newsfeed.
The keyboard shortcut that you need to get to your timeline is Shift + Alt + 1, so go ahead and press that.
And let’s crack on with keyboard shortcuts that you can use to access your newsfeed
These are;
Pressing the j key takes you backwards through each story one by one.
Pressing the k key takes you forward through each story one by one.
Pressing the enter key on a selected story will expand it.
Pressing the c key will enable you to comment on a story.
Pressing the l key will enable you to like a story. Pressing l again allows you to “unlike” it.
Pressing the s key will enable you to share the story.
Pressing the o key will enable you to open any attachments that are in the story.
Pressing the q key will enable you to search your chat contacts.
Pressing the forward slash (/) will enable you to search.
Pressing the p key will enable you to create a new post or story.
And those are the keyboard shortcuts that will enable you to navigate around your newsfeed.
Thanks for watching this video.
If it has helped you, please share it with your friends, colleagues and family.
If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.
End of Video Transcript
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