Hello, it is James from the Visual Impairment Team in Devon.
Super Hyper Spider Typer is a free website that develops familiarity with the position of letters on a keyboard using a game format that will be very appealing for children.
The video includes a full set of subtitles but if you want to read a full transcript, please find it below.
Start of Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to this training video.
in this video I want to introduce you to super hyper spider Typer
which is a game that develops the letters on the keyboard and familiarity with them young children.
so here we go let's click to continue.
now as we start I've got some music playing I don't know if you can hear it.
so you have three levels here easy medium and hard.
so you Can see straight away that the graphics are quite nice it is done in a game format.
it's all very attractive and when you can listen to the music is more attractive still.
so this is the game we have four lizards it with a letter on their back.
so what you have to do if you have to identify the letter and when you identify the letter and press it then they disappear.
so you can see that there's plenty going on there's lots of lovely graphics There's a spider going up the left-hand screen there’s scoring going on I can hear some music you probably can't hear the music.
you've got to stop these lizards before they reach the end of the branch.
as I touch a letter and the lizard explodes another one takes its place.
So it is all very attractive.
What I would say in terms of the size of it in a browser you do need to use your zooming keys to get it to a nice big size so that it is nice and clear but even then I am not sure how clear those letters are if you've got a visual impairment how easy will they be to pick out on the back of those blue lizards. T
That could be quite tricky. there are adverts running on the site but they are unobtrusive and they don't really get in the way after you have zoomed.
Visit the site have a go at the game let me know what you think. Thank you for watching.
End of video transcript
Useful Resources for Super Hyper Spider Typing
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Useful Resources for Super Hyper Spider Typing
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