Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Keyboard Shortcuts in Google Docs- The File Menu

In this video which is just over 3 minutes long, I detail the keyboard shortcuts that are available to use in Google Docs.

Keyboard shortcuts help all users to become faster but they are crucial to people who have visual impairments because they allow software to be controlled by using a keyboard instead of a mouse. 

In this video I focus on the keyboard shortcuts that can be accessed via the File menu in Google Docs. 

The video includes a full set of subtitles but if you would prefer to read from a full transcript of the video, you can find it below;

Start of Video Transcript

Hello everyone. It is James from the Visual Impairment Team in Devon.

In this video I am going to demonstrate the keyboard shortcuts that you can use in order to access the File menu in Google Docs.

Google Docs is the free online version of Microsoft Word that is provided by Google.

I have created other videos in which I demonstrate other features of Google Docs, such as the accessibility menu, which is here.

This menu gives people who are visually impaired and use screen readers easy access to lots of different features of Google Docs.

And so we can see that Google are very good at providing access to the their products for people who have disabilities.

Google provide a full set of keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs which enhances accessibility even more.

In this video, my focus will be on the file menu which contains lots of important commands that you will be using frequently.

Although of course you can open the file menu by clicking on it with your mouse, you can also open it with a shortcut key.

If the browser that you are using is Chrome, then the shortcut key is the Alt key and the F key.

If you are using Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Firefox the the shortcut key is slightly different as you need to press Shift + Alt + F

When the menu opens, all of the items in the menu can be accessed by a keyboard shortcut and so let’s go through them one at a time.

If you want to;

share the document, press the s key.

create a new document or spreadsheet press the n key

open a document or spreadsheet press the o key

Rename it, press the r key

Make a copy, press the c key

organise , press the m key

Move to bin (delete it) press the t key

look at your document’s revision history, press ctrl and alt and shift and h

Change the language press the l key

Download the document in another format, press the d key

Publish it to the web, press the w key

Email collaborators press the e key

Email as an attachment, press the a key

Set up the page, press the g key

Look at print preview, press the v key

And to print press the p key.

And that is it.

Thanks for watching this video demonstrating the  keyboard shortcuts that are available in the File menu within Google Docs.

If it has helped you, please share it with your friends, colleagues and family.

If you have any comments or questions, please leave them below.

End of Video Transcript

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