Monday 25 January 2016

NVDA and Gmail: Reply to Email Using Shortcuts

Hello and welcome to this video.

The focus of this video is using the screen reader NVDA and Gmail.

I demonstrate how to reply to an email using keyboard shortcuts.

The video is 6 minutes long and it contains a full set of subtitles but if you want to read from a transcript instead then find one below.

Start of video transcript

Hello and welcome to this video.

In this video I will be demonstrating a very simple skill using NVDA.

I will be demonstrating how to reply to  an email in gmail- Google’s email service.

NVDA is a free screen reader.

A screen reader is a great piece of software that gives computers, smartphones and tablets a voice in order to help people who have a visual impairment or who are blind access these devices independently.

I have created other videos about the screen reader NVDA and I have grouped them together in a playlist which I will link to below.

In this video I will be using the web browser Firefox although of course you might want to use Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Chrome.

The version of NVDA which I am using is 2015.4.

So let’s start NVDA.

I am using a paid for voice on NVDA called Daniel. I have created a video demonstrating how to find and download these voices.

And if we open Firefox, I am in one of my Gmail accounts.

I am in my inbox. To get into my inbox I pressed “g” then “i”

Now I need to find the message that I want to reply to. I move through the emails in my inbox by using the up and down arrows.

Once I have found the email, I press the enter key and then I press the r key to create a reply.

I now just need to type my message.

Once I have finished writing my message I press the control key and the enter key in order to send the email.

And that is it. My quick guide to replying to an email in Gmail using NVDA.

If you have any helpful hints about using Gmail with NVDA please let me know.

Remember to watch my other videos on NVDA.

Thanks for watching.

End of video transcript

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